Current Risk

Impact on Biosphere:

The biosphere is defined as the areas of Earth where life exists. The carp is a living organism so is a part of the biosphere. Carp contribute largely to environmental degradation, specifically in the Murray-Darling Basin. Their overpopulation and destructive feeding habits have impacted the biosphere negatively; potentially contributing to algae blooms as well as reducing plant-life and fish populations.

The suspension of sediment caused by rolling produces the following issues in the biosphere:

  • other species of fish may have difficulties seeing and struggle to feed
  • less light penetration leading to reduced photosynthesis and therefore plant growth
  • smothering of fish eggs, invertebrates (coral, worms, etc) and plants as the sediment comes to rest again
  • inhalation of sediment and resultant clogging of gills in other fish species
  • uprooting of plants when grazed on directly – resultant issues for invertebrates that may be dependent upon them
Screen Shot 2017-06-02 at 1.31.38 PM
Figure 4: Comparison of water quality with carp (left), and without carp (right). [source:]

Impact on lithosphere:

The outer layer of the Earth’s crust and the uppermost section of the mantle is called the ‘lithosphere’. Along with issues in the biosphere the feeding habits of carp also impact the lithosphere, causing:

  • lessened stability for bottom sediments that are shifted when plants are uprooted and roots removed
  • erosion of riverbanks – as sediment is uprooted banks can weaken and eventually collapse
  • social impacts on fisherman due to destruction of fishing spots

Impact on hydrosphere:

The presence of carp in rivers and lakes can often result in an increase in water turbidity as well as an overall decrease in water quality. As carp feed and sediment becomes suspended, nutrients such as phosphorous are released and can cause algal growth.

Impact on anthroposphere:

Companies that are dependent on high water quality and healthy aquatic habitats are heavily impacted by the overpopulation of carp. These include:

  • fisheries
  • irrigators
  • anglers

Along with this, social activities such as fishing are also impacted by carp. Both their abundance in comparison to other fish and the erosion they cause to banks contribute to this issue.

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